Top 5 Benefits Of Home Fitness

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Not Achieving Your Fitness Goals?

What is main reason you give when you're not achieving your fitness goals?

There is no escaping the fact that you need to put effort in if you want to get fitter but most of the time the reasons we're not successful have nothing to do with the the exercise itself.

The Real Reasons Your Not Achieving Fitness Goals

  • TIME: Want to do it but can't find the time due to all the other commitments in our busy lives - work, family etc.
  • COST: The ongoing cost and commitment of gym/classes/club memberships can be too much for many of us to meet.
  • FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE:  The idea of working out in public with our sweaty bodies there for all to see, stops many of us from heading out for exercise.
  • COMMITMENT:  In an ever more flexible world it can be hard to commit to being in the same place at the same time often required to join a fitness class, a sports team or club.
  • THE WEATHER: Too hot, cold, wet, foggy or icy.  If you’re relying on the perfect weather you'll often be cancelling your fitness plans.

Here at HomeFit we hear you!

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The Benefits Of Exercising At Home

Why would working out from home be any different?  What are the benefits of home workouts?  

There are a huge number of reasons why adding home exercise to your fitness regime can benefit you.  Here at HomeFit we think these are the top 5 benefits for a fitter you.

Top 5 Benefits Of Home Workouts

  1. SAVE TIME - working out at home means spending more of your precious time exercising instead traveling to/from the gym or sports club.  30 mins exercise takes 30 mins of your time.  No bags to pack, traffic to get stuck in and no waiting around for something to start.
  2. SAVE MONEY - an affordable one-off investment in only the home fitness equipment you need and that you can use year after year.   No ongoing commitment to expensive and ongoing membership fees that you might not always use and only benefit from whilst you keep paying more.
  3. MORE EFFECTIVE - adding the right equipment to your home exercise can give you better and faster results.  If you use some of the time you saved you can 
  4. MORE CONFIDENCE - exercise like no-one is watching!  In the comfort of your own home there is no need to feel self conscious anymore, it's all about you.  Chose what you want to do, when you want to do it and how you want to do it.
  5. MORE FLEXIBILITY - you're in full control to chose what you do and when you do it whatever the weather or the time.  Pick the days and times that fit into your schedule. 

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Get Started With Home Fitness

If it's so easy, why am I not doing it already?  I want to do it but where do I start?

Have you ever been a on a long weekend city break and seen more sights in 3 days than you ever have in your home town?  Why is that?  The likely reasons are that for your city break you have - you've made a commitment (booking the trip), set a deadline (the flight/ferry/bus home), made a plan (your guidebook, local maps), asked people to help you (a tour guide, tourist office) and invested in the right equipment (travel card, attraction tickets).

Getting fit at home requires these same basic steps.  Here are HomeFit's top tips to get started.

Get Fit At Home - Top Tips

  • BE HONEST - with yourself about what has stopped you so far.  It is going to take some time and effort to plan this.  By choosing to exercise at home you've already got some huge benefits on your side - let’s get started!
  • SET GOALS - Set realistic goals that you can regularly achieve.  These should be something you can achieve at least 90% of the time and have a deadline so you'll feel good about success.  Doing more than you were before is progress, you can always do more than your target and  make goals more challenging as you progress.  Make a poster with your targets on that you can see every day and update your progress - do it now.
  • GET SOME HELP - There are huge range of free home workout videos available online from some real fitness experts - try some out and chose the ones that are right for you.  The best programmes will be at the right level for you and that you find fun as well as challenging.
  • MAKE A PLAN - Think about your current commitments and identify the best opportunities for you to workout at home.  Set schedule that suits you, then book out the time in your diary, calendar - do it now.
  • GET THE RIGHT EQUIPMENT - Invest in the fitness equipment that's right for you.  This will make your workouts much more effective and achieve better results in less time.  Home fitness equipment essentials include - Exercise Mat, Dumbbells, Kettlebells, Resistance Bands, Aerobic Step, Workout Deck or a Fitness Rebounder Trampoline.
  • GIVE IT MEANING - setting stakes around your challenges will make you much more likely to achieve them.  This could be rewards for when you achieve your goals (treat yourself to something), getting sponsored (raise money for a good cause), agreeing a challenge with a friend (to support and hold you to account), sharing your progress online (on your social media)

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Make It - Day One! Not - One Day...

Once you've done it just 3 times, it becomes a habit and you'll find it much easier to keep going.

Let us know here at HomeFit know how you get on.  We'd love to hear from you with your progress, tips and suggestions.



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  • A great motivational post


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